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Cherie_Lewis 1 Reviews
Je descendais la rue Saint-Jean en direction de l'édifice fortifié du Vieux-Québec.
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Je descendais la rue Saint-Jean en direction de l'édifice fortifié du Vieux-Québec. Il était difficile d'aller contre la neige profonde et le froid pénétrant. J'ai décidé de me donner un déjeuner tôt et ai repéré La Campagne. J'ai jonglé en libérant plusieurs couches de vê en grimpant quelques marches pour atteindre un restaurant tranquille, confortable mais vide. Le membre du personnel a semblé un peu surpris de me voir mais a pris des mesures. Elle m'a montré un menu. J'ai commandé de la Salade Vietnamienne, quelques petits Rouleaux Imperiaux au Porc et soupe du jour. Les petits pains étaient agréables mais n'avaient pas la fraîcheur typiquement vietnamienne dans la bouche. La salade était légère et légèrement attrayante. La soupe: j'ai oublié ce que c'était. Je peux comprendre qu'il y a un petit restaurant vietnamien dans une ville française en raison de la longue histoire de la participation de la France au Vietnam mais il était triste de voir que la nourriture n'a pas fourni la saveur et la fraîcheur anticipées. Peut-être que j'ai choisi le mauvais jour ou les mauvais articles sur le menu. Le déjeuner était une bonne pause du froid mais je ne reviendrai pas. Il y a beaucoup de meilleures options à proximité. Peut-être que j'ai été maudit pour ne pas être assez intelligent pour déjeuner dans l'un des nombreux endroits qui servent une merveilleuse cuisine française. I was walking down rue Saint-Jean towards the fortified building of Old Quebec. It was hard to go against the deep snow and the penetrating cold. I decided to give myself an early lunch and spotted the countryside. I juggled by releasing several layers of clothing and climbing a few steps to reach a quiet, comfortable but empty restaurant. The staff member seemed a little surprised to see me but took action. She showed me a menu. I ordered some salad, some small fried rolls (mini spring rolls) and some soup. The small rolls were nice but did not have the typical Vietnamese freshness in the mouth. The salad was light and slightly attractive. The soup: I forgot what it was. I can understand that there is a small Vietnamese restaurant in a French town because of the long history of France's participation in Vietnam but it was sad to see that the food did not provide the anticipated flavor and freshness. Maybe I chose the wrong day or the bad items on the menu. Lunch was a nice break from the cold but I will not be back. There are much better options nearby. Maybe I was cursed for not being smart enough to have lunch at one of the many places that serve wonderful French cuisine. I was going my tourist thing: going down Saint-Jean Street towards the fortified building of Old Quebec. It was difficult walking through the deep snow and the penetrating cold was having an effect. I decided to give myself an early lunch and spotted La Campagna. I juggled by releasing several layers of clothing and climbing a few steps to reach a quiet, comfortable but empty restaurant. The staff member seemed a little surprised to see me but took action. She showed me a menu. I ordered some Vietnamese Salad, some small Imperial Pork Rolls and soup of the day. The rolls were nice but did not have the typical Vietnamese freshness in the mouth. The salad was light and slightly attractive. The soup: I forget what it was. I can understand that there is a small Vietnamese restaurant in a French town because of the long history of France's participation in Vietnam but it was sad to see that the food did not provide the anticipated flavor and freshness. Maybe I chose the wrong day or the bad items on the menu. Lunch was a good break from the cold but I will not be back. There are many better options nearby. Maybe I was cursed for not being smart enough to have lunch in one of the many places that serve wonderful French cuisine.

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